Old Problems, New Technology: Cybersecurity Today and the Companies Leading the Way
The term “cybersecurity” often brings to mind images of either a nefarious looking hooded computer nerd superimposed over floating dollar signs or a picture of a shiny lock superimposed over a background of floating binary numbers - imposing and futuristic stuff!
While we are all enamored with the newest and shiniest things, let's not forget that current cybersecurity technology is just another step in the evolution of protecting communications and data storage. Securing information and verifying identity are millennia-old processes that started with trusted couriers and clay seals. Today’s trusted couriers come in the form of digital identity verification, with clay seals in the form of 256 bit (and higher) encryption. In addition to this framework are the secure message pathways in the form of what is known as “end-to-end” encryption, which not only wraps each message in encryption but provides a fortified route in between any and all participants.
At a high level, the basic approach to message security hasn't changed over thousands of years. Long ago, anyone looking to disrupt secure communication could do so by either corrupting the messenger or capturing the message en route and modifying or replacing the message contents altogether. When we look at how this can happen today, the basic approach is the same but the methods have once again evolved.
Let’s take a look at how hackers can compromise your communications and data - the “attack vectors.”